My work has appeared offline in Zyzzyva, Bellingham Review, Prairie Schooner, Fourteen Hills, The Los Angeles Review, Passages North, Dogwood, The Women’s Review of Books, Ice Floe, and other literary journals.
In October, I told a story at Arctic Entries in Anchorage. Here’s the audio.
Poems and essays online:
“Landscape with Playground Equipment, Pigtails, and Hypodermic Syringes” and “Requiem for High Stakes Testing” in Crab Creek Review.
“Observation One” and “Observation Two” in Arcturus.
“Broken Arm” and “A Reply to the Obtrusive Narrator” in Watershed Review.
“Winter, Moving Still” and “Winter Landscape with Flirting Tourists” written during residency at Denali National Park.
At Least Name it What It Is,” in Tahoma Literary Review
“In Gratitude to the Dream Sequence” in Passages North.
“Seascape with Eagle, Driftwood, Ravens, Seagull, Two Men and Their Phones” in Brevity.
Poems from the “Helen” sequence in Common-Place.
“The Bossy e Meets His Match” in Diode.
“River Town” featured in Verse Daily.
I wrote a column called Subarctic Mama for Literary Mama, an online journal for the maternally inclined. It deals with Alaska, motherhood, and parenting girls in this peculiar place.
“Mother-in-law” featured in The Saturday Poetry Series at As It Ought to Be.
“Narratives Lost and Found,” an essay written for Northwest Voices, a feature of Pacific Northwest Bookseller’s Association about working in a bookstore and researching in the archives.
“Canzone Basking in the Pre-Apocalypse” appears in Dogwood: A Journal of Poetry and Prose, 2012.
“The Miner’s Wife,”The New Camp” and “Ellen Notices the Dry Spring” appear in Extract(s), March 16, 2012.
“River Town” and “Raven” appear in Cirque: A Literary Journal of the North Pacific Rim, Volume 3:1 on pages 63-64.
“Infidelity” appears in Cirque: A Literary Journal for the North Pacific Rim, Volume 2:1 on page 41.
“The Seven Sisters” appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Summer 1996 46:4.
Commentaries for KUAC and APRN:
I’ve been a commentator for KUAC, our local NPR station, and APRN, our statewide NPR affiliate. You’ll find a couple of samples in the links here.
Here’s a piece called “Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking.” It’s about Walt Whitman, writing poetry, and having kids, and how those things intersect. I wrote it as I was just starting to write Steam Laundry. It aired 4/6/2007.
Fairbanks Funk is about the urge we all get to leave Fairbanks during the month of February. It aired 2/17/2007.